Rock-Cut Tomb of Kaikherptah in Giza Necropolis: Problems of Zonation of the Internal Space

Vetokhov Sergey V.

In the pillared multi-room rock-cut tombs in the Giza necropolis from the period of the IV– VI dynasties, passages between different rooms are often blocked by stone masonry or wood panels. These partitions undoubtedly changed the trajectory of the funeral processions inside the chapels and, consequently, their functional purpose. A number of factors point to their introduction already at the main stage of the tombs’ construction, which raises the question of the feasibility of the original large number of columns and passages between the rooms. The article explores the causes and relative dating of such additions on the material of the rock-cut tomb of Kaikherptah (G 7721) in the Giza necropolis.

Keywords: Ancient Egypt, Old Kingdom, Giza necropolis, rock-cut tomb, ancient Egyptian architecture, pillar

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