On the Dating of the Tombstone of Nikeas, Son of Nikanor

Kuzmin Yuri N.

The tombstone of a certain Nikeas, son of Nikanor, from the necropolis of Kepoi was first published in 2017. The editor attributed it, both on the basis of the letter forms and the stele type, to the fourth century BC. However, the presence of the word χαῖρε following the name of the deceased in the epitaph, and the peculiarities of some letter forms (e.g. alpha with a convex bar, etc.) allow us to date the monument in question to a later period, possibly even to the end of the third century BC. The form of the tombstone does not contradict this dating either.

Keywords: Kepoi, tombstone, Nikeas, son of Nikanor, Bosporan Kingdom

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