Marsyas, Olympos, Hyagnis and the Myth of the Invention of the Aulos

Semenchenko Lada V.

The article traces the origins of musical mythological traditions associated with Marsyas and their place in the context of panhellenic musical myths. An analysis of early literary and iconographic data allows the author to conclude that the classic version of the myth of Athena, Marsyas and Apollo was based on three separate traditions concerning the invention of the aulos and the first musical nomoi, and only one of these traditions goes back to the local lore of Phrygian Kelainai. This conclusion allows a reconsideration of the views on the subject adopted in modern historiography.

Keywords: myths about music, Kelainai, aulos, nomoi(musical), iconography, Phrygia, myth of Athena and Marsyas, myth of Marsyas and Apollo, Parian Marble (Chronicle), Cybele, Hyagnis, Olympos (musician)

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