A Hoard of Late Bosporan Staters from the Village of Gai-Kodzor (1986)

Abramzon Mikhail G., Novichikhin Andrey M., Saprykina Irina A.

This paper is a preliminary publication of the large coin hoard found near the village of Gai-Kodzor, Anapa District of the Krasnodar Krai, in 1986. The Anapa Archaeological Museum acquired 1061 staters of four Bosporan rulers: 3 of Teiranes, 354 of Thothorses, 46 of Radamsades, and 658 of Rheskouporis VI. The latest coin in the hoard dates to the year 638 of the Bosporan era (AD 341/342), providing a terminus post quemfor its concealment. The Gai-Kodzor 1986 hoard joins the group of seven similar hoards concealed in AD 341/342. These hoards are connected with the military activity in the region. Mass concealment and cessation of the Bosporan coinage can be explained by the Sarmatian and Alanian invasions of the Bosporan Kingdom in that year. The distribution of hoards deposited in AD 341/342 shows that the barbarians attacked Pantikapaion, Tyritake, Kepoi, and a huge settlement located on the southern Bosporan frontier, near the village of Gai-Kodzor, in the valley of the Shumrinka River. Three similar hoards were found there in 1972, 1977 and 1986. The Third Gai-Kodzor hoard is different from all other synchronous assemblages due to the largest number of coins and the widest range of content. It is of decisive importance for the solution to many disputed issues concerning the dating of some coins and of the reigns of the last Bosporan kings. This assemblage is certainly of great interest for studying the currency, economic and political situation in the Bosporan Kingdom in the second quarter of the fourth century AD.

Keywords: Bosporus, Gai-Kodzor, coin hoards, currency, Teiranes, Thothorses, Rhadamsades, Rheskouporis VI, Sarmatians, Alani, Anapa Archaeological Museum

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