Studying the Roman Republic in the Vestnik drevney istorii in the 1930s–1950s

Dement'eva Vera V.

The study provides an analytical survey of the articles on the history of the Roman Republic published in the first 73 issues of the Vestnik drevney istorii (in the 13 pre-war issues and 60 in the first fifteen post-war years). The author groups them into the following thematic blocks: periodisation of Roman history, slaves rebellions and slavery as a social institution, agrarian history of the Republican period, foreign policy of the Roman Republic, internal political events, law and legal procedure of the Republican Rome, political doctrine and ideology, biographical studies of prominent figures of Republican history. It is noted that there are few studies of the political institutions in the VDI in the 1930s–1950s (isolated publications only), and no articles concerned primarily with the cultural history of the Republican period. The author provides a brief discussion of the conditions in which the journal was created and operated in the early period of its existence, and the goals set for it, before consideration of the treatment of the problems of Roman Republican history in its pages. The author provides some examples of Soviet scholars addressing questions which became the subject of discussions in international scholarship only half a century later, and of an original reconstruction of a lost source fragment, neglected in recent Russian scholarship. She notes that a significant stratum of the Russian historiography of the ancient world is increasingly overlooked in Russian classical scholarship. She concludes that the methodological principles of the socioeconomic formations theory had an impact both on the choice of research questions and on the interpretation of historical phenomena and processes, but it had not only negative but also significant positive aspects, because it allowed the development of new research areas. The author highlights that Soviet scholars paid particular attention to broad theoretical problems (in particular, to the periodisation of Roman history), and argues that the time is ripe for Russian historians of the ancient world to address large-scale research problems at a new level of knowledge, as their predecessors did.

Keywords: Vestnik drevney istorii (Journal of Ancient History), history of the Roman Republic, Soviet historiography, 1930s–1950s

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