Two Graves of Roman Soldiers from the Necropolis of Chersonesos Taurica

Doroshko Valentin V., Zhuravlev Denis V.

The article is devoted to two grave contexts discovered in 1892 in the southern part of the Chersonesos necropolis. Grave-goods from these contexts have been kept in the State Historical Museum (Moscow), State Hermitage (Saint Petersburg) and State Museum-preserve “Chersonesos Taurica”, without attracting scholarly attention. Two identical phalerae show that Roman soldiers were buried in these graves. A wooden casket decorated with gold plaques in the shape of the chi-rho (ΧΡ) monogram and silver gammadions was put in one of the graves. We do not know parallels for this casket. The most probable date for these graves is the last third of the 3rd century AD.

Keywords: Northern Pontic area, Chersonesos Taurica, Roman army, necropolis, casket

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