This paper is a preliminary publication of two new large coin hoards of the Mithridatic period found in the Krasnodar Region in 2014. Both hoards are now in the Archaeological Museum of Anapa. One hoard, consisting of 3033 coins was found near the village of Moldovanskoe (Crimean District). Another treasure, consisting of 904 coins, was discovered near the village of Severskaya (Severskiy District). Apart from the 4th‑1st centuries BC Bosporan coins, the hoards include a few copper coins of Callatis, Amisus and Sinope. The new hoards indicate the boundaries of the southeastern provinces of the Asian Bosporus. Besides, the Moldovanskoe hoard allows clarifying the territories given by Eumelos to the Callatians (Diod. XX. 25). The hoards are also the important evidence of the monetary circulation and historical events in the 80s BC. Most hoards of this group are linked to the ancient agricultural landscape of the Asian Bosporus and came from “the Asian regions near Sindike” (Strab. VII. 4. 6), paying grain and silver tribute to Mithridates VI. During the king’s wars with Rome, a heavy phoros led to the ruin of chora and to concealment of treasures, as clearly evidenced by the new hoards from the southeastern outlying districts of the Bosporus.
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