The authors publish an inscription found in 2015 in the territory of Myrmekion (A. Bekhter – epigraphical part, A. Butyagin – context). Most probably, it is a list of thiasitai; the paleographical features point towards the end of the 1st cent. BC – beginning of the 1st cent. AD. Several personal names (Adrastos, Polynikos, Kollas) are attested for the first time in the Bosporan kingdom. The unique name Chosas attested elsewhere only in the epitaph CIRB 880 (Myrmekion, Ist cent. AD) allows to suggest that the persons mentioned in CIRB 880 were Chosas’ son and granddaughter.
The stele was found re-used in the masonry of a farmhouse of the Roman period. This find makes it possible to give a more detailed chronology of the site and to clarify the succession of the construction phases.
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