Careers of Higher Officials in the Roman Empire of 340–350 AD: a Prosopographical Study

Grigoryuk Timofey V.

The paper deals with the prosopographical problems of political and administrative history of the Roman Empire in 340–350 AD. The author suggests a reconstruction of careers of some of the higher officials: Flavius Amantius (consul of 345 AD), Flavius Philippus (consul of 348 AD), Flavius Sergius (Maiorinus?) (consul of 350 AD), praetorian prefects Anatolius and (Anicius?) Anicetus and the magister officiorum Flavius Eugenius. The time of appearance of the separate praetorian prefecture of Illiricum is specified as well. The reconstruction is based on the analyses of the consuls’ and praetorian prefects’ collegia. The following conclusions are advanced: the position of consul maior could only be taken by the person who had held the office of praetorian prefect for the longest time and who had never taken the position of ordinary consul before. The article also establishes the fact that the representatives of East and West regularly took turns in the position of consul maior.

Keywords: Constans, Constantius II, praetorian prefect, consul maior, Flavius Amantius, Flavius Philippus, Flavius Sergius, Anicius Anicetus, Flavius Eugenius, praetorian prefecture of Illiricum

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