Participation of Veterans of the Roman Army in Local Government and Religious Life of Lower Moesia

Martemyanov Alexei P.

A key source for modern interpretations of the place of army veterans in the provincial society of the Roman Empire is epigraphic evidences for them performing the duties of magistrates and priests. Usually the ratio of the number of veterans who were magistrates and priests to the total number of retired military people known by all the inscriptions found in the territory of a province is considered as an indication of how typical was active involvement of former soldiers in local government and religious life. On the basis of this criterion it is customary to judge the level of social activity of veterans who lived in Roman provinces. In the author’s opinion, this approach may result in a misconception of this aspect of former soldiers’ life, and needs to be revised. This article presents an alternative way of solving the problem and shows the prospects for its practical application on the example of relevant data concerning the province of Lower Moesia.

Keywords: Roman army, veterans, provinces, Lower Moesia, local government, magistrates, priests

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