The Ruin of the Antiquity Circle in Leningrad (Based on the investigations’ data from Federal Security Service records)

Skvortsov Artem М.

The article deals with the study of repressions of the late 1930s aimed at some Leningrad researchers of antiquity. I. D. Amusin, M. N. Botvinnik, S. I. Kovalyov, G. A. Stratanovsky, L. L. Rakov and others were accused of affiliation with a counter-revolutionary Menshevist organization. They all belonged to “the Antiquity circle” at the department of the History of Ancient Greece and Rome at Leningrad State University. Investigation data from the Federal Security Service record concerning St. Petersburg and Leningrad region have been brought under scholarly analysis for the first time. They enable the author to establish the course of investigation, number and identity of the arrested individuals, reasons and grounds for the arrests of the historians, as well as to observe some details concerning the relationship within the scholarly corporation.

Keywords: Antiquity circle, Leningrad State University, NKVD, repressions, study of antiquity, Soviet historiography, I. D. Amusin, M. N. Botvinnik, S. I. Kovalyov, G. A. Stratanovsky

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