The Story of Zariadres and Odatis in Athenaeus XIII. 575

Ambartsumian Аrthur А.

The article deals with the problems of etymology of the originally Iranian name Zariadres which was attested in the classical sources referring to the Median ruler Zariadres, brother of Hystaspes, and to the Armenian general Zariadres (Zareh in the Armenian tradition, Zaritr, Zarehr in the Aramaic one). The research is based on the analysis of the Legend of Zariadres and Odatis, retold by Athenaeus with reference to Chares of Mytilene, and on the evidence of Armenian epigraphic monuments, namely, delimitating stelae with the inscriptions of king Artaxias I bearing the older forms of the name Zariadres. Special attention is paid to the explanation of correlating forms of the cognate names: Median Zariadres, Armenian Zareh, Pahlavi Zarēr and Avestan Zairivairi, found in a number of ancient and medieval literary writings. Some new etymologies for the name of Zariadres are also proposed.

Keywords: Zariadres, Zareh, Zarer, Greek Literature, Old Iranian and Pahlavi Literature, etymology

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