The author proposes to understand the text TH Av 100 as purely economic and to interpret the form e-re-u-te-ri MUL 1 as the name of a woman originating from the town of Eleuthēr belonging to the Theban kingdom in the Mycenaean times. The proposed reading and translation are:
2. /[paro] Pontēwei sitos gunaiksi GRA 2 V 2 Z/
‘in the house of Ponteus/Portheus grain for women GRA 2 V 2 Z’
3. to]so sitos GRA 3
‘Tot]al amount of grain GRA 3’
4. /-nos VIR1, paro Zowāi Eleutheris MUL 1/
‘X-nos VIR1, in the house of Zo-wa Eleutherís MUL 1’
5. Wrineus VIR1.
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