From the Onomastics of the Northern Black Sea Area. XXI. Τράκανα

Tokhtasyev Sergey R.

The author identifies the place-name Τράκανα mentioned by Ptolemy with the present day Dzhangul ́ on the Tarkhankut peninsula in Northwestern Crimea. A 2nd century shrine is archaeologically attested in the area, where a goddess named Ταρκα or Ταργα was apparently worshipped. Her name seems to be the first component of the name of Ταργί-ταος, progenitor of the Scythians. It is not impossible that it was a general appellative, but the word does not look Iranian, and therefore it is more probable that the name of Targitaos is theophoric.

Keywords: toponymy of the Nothern Black Sea area in antiquity, Northwestern Crimea archaeology and epigraphy, Scythian religion and mythology.
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