Regarding the Spatial Development of the apoikia of Pantikapaion in the 1st Half of the 6th – 1st Half of the 5th Centuries BC

Muratova M. B., Tolstikov Vladimir P.

The article presents a brief history of exploration of the early occupational strata of Pantikapaion followed by a brief descriptive and analytical survey of the results of the recent archaeological investigation of the layers dating from the 6th – early 5th centuries B.C.E. Recent work focused mostly on the New Upper Mithridates Sector, an area that is believed to have been occupied by the early temenos and that has been re-opened for exploration in 2007. Also presented is an analytical description of the building phases and of the most significant finds in the area, followed by preliminary conclusions about possible dynamics of the earliest period of occupation of that particular section of the ancient Pantikapaion.

Keywords: Panticapaeum, city area, lamp, trapeza, sympathic magic, temenos, horse offering.
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