On the Hyperboreans by Hecataeus of Abdera. Problems of Interpretation

Podossinov Alexandr V.

The paper analyses the extant fragments of the work On the Hyperboreans by the Greek author Hecataeus of Abdera (2nd half of the 4th – 1st half of the 3rd century BC). The author traces the main character’s route to the Hyperboreans’ land across the Black Sea, some maritime ways connecting the Black and the Caspian seas, then to the Northern Ocean and further westward to the isle of the Hyperboreans. Despite the fantastic character of the narrative (following the patterns as old as the tale of Odysseus’ wanderings), many points of the work reflect ancient views of this part of the world and some information which was new in Hecataeus’ time.

Keywords: Hecataeus of Abdera, Hyperboreans, Hyperboreans’ land.
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