The Preliminary Observations on IOSPE II2: the Epigraphic Monuments of Cherson Local History Museum

Bekhter Anastasia P.

The author republish two funeral steles, edited with a number of serious mistakes in readings (CIRB 450, 575) that led to the appearance of ghost-names in such a famous and competent edition as LGPN. The article also contains the first publication of a relief with a dedicatory inscription. In the first line of CIRB 450 the author propose to read neither Λόλησον (erroneously Boltunova) nor Δολησον (Iajlenko), but Δολης ὁ [[Ἡ]]γουμενός: the male name of Thracian origin in combination with a kind of cognomen. In CIRB 575 the name Φαννίων occurs for the first time: it is derived from Φάννης/Φάννας (geminated form of Φάνης/Φάνας, represented in Bosporan epigraphy exclusively) with the Greek suffix -ιων (not Ἀννίων, as is CIRB and LGPN). The votive relief bore a dedication to Cybele; according to the stylistics of the relief and its paleography it can be dated to the second half of IV c. B.C. The examination of archive materials enable to propose the Bosporan origin of monument (stele deprived of the passport).

Keywords: epigraphy, Bosporos, collection of I.K. Suruchan, onomastics, Cybele.
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