Gold Staters of Aspourgos and Mithridates III and new assemblages of coins and jewelry from the site of Artesian

Abramzon Mikhail G., Vinokurov Nikolai I.

The authors analyse the numismatic material which serves as the main chronological index of the fire layer at the site of Artesian in Eastern Crimea. The settlement’s old citadel and adjacent districts were destroyed at the beginning of the Roman–Bosporan war of AD 45–49. The 2013 finds on the site contained boxes and coffrets with Bosporan coins (late 1 cent. BC – 1st half of AD 1 cent.), gold, silver bronze jewelry and beads, purses with Bosporan copper coins, cistophores of the Roman province of Asia, hundreds of isolated coins of Agrippia, Caesarea, Aspourgos, Gepaepyris, Mithridates III. 

Among the most important recent finds are 10 gold staters of Aspourgos and Mithridates III. The unique Mithridates I’s stater of 343 Bosporan era (AD 46/47) and the fire archeological context make it possible to date the destruction of the fortress to either the autumn of AD 46 or late summer – autumn of AD 47. The date of the disaster suggests that Artesian and other Mithridates III’s outposts stood up to Cotys I and the Romans for one or even two years after the latter had conquered the capital and main town of Bosporus. 

Keywords: Bosporus, the site of Artesian, Rome, Aspourgos, Gepaepyris, Mithridates III, Cotys I, Roman-Bosporan war of AD 45–49, coin finds, antique jewelry

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Сокращения / Abbreviations


American Numismatic Society

BMC 13

Wroth, W. Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia and the Kingdom of Bosporus (A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. Vol. 13). London, 1889


Numismatica Ars Classica. Auction 25. 25.06.2003

Ratto 1927

Auction Ratto. Lugano, 1927


Crawford, M. Roman Republican Coinage. Vol. I. Cambridge, 1974


Burnett, A., Amandry, M., Ripolles, P.P. Roman Provincial Coinage. Vol. I. London–Paris, 1992