The Section "On Statues" in the Milan Papyrus of Posidippus: Structure and Context

But Ekaterina A.

The paper is a study of a part of the Milan Papyrus (P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309) called Ἀνδριαντοποιικά (On Statues). The papyrus is a collection of epigrams tentatively attributed to the Hellenistic poet Posidippus. All the epigrams of this section are translated and analysed. The author compares the stucture of the section with that of Callimachus’ Iambi. Some principles of composition common for the two collections suggest that the Ἀνδριαντοποιικά sections had been conceived according to a certain premeditated pattern and could have belonged to an earlier epigrammatic collection.

Keywords: author’s intent, Callimachus, Milan papyrus, Posidippus, poetical book, Ptolemies, sculpture, collection of epigrams, structure of a poetical book, Hellenistic epigram

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