The Cycles of Egyptian History and the Three tomoi of Manetho’s Aegyptiaka (II)

Ladynin Ivan A.

The aim of the paper is to propose an interpretation of the concept backing Manetho’s treatise on Egyptian history and, respectively, its division in three parts (tomoi). It seems that for Manetho the history of Egypt fell into three cycles corresponding to these parts of his work (his Dynasties I–XI, XII–XIX, XX–XXX). Each of them comprised an epoch of prosperity and stability in the country and ended with a catastrophe, which was followed by restoration of norm in the country by the last king of this cycle. Then followed a new historical cycle inaugurated by a king who founded the Egyptian society and state anew and was the son of the last king of the previous cycle.

Keywords: Egypt, Hellenism, Manetho of Sebennytos, historiography, historical cycles, schemes, dynasties, kings, Hyksos, Sea Peoples, Late Period

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