Marius, Cinna and the Metelli

Korolenkov Anton V.

The author considers that after the death of Saturninus there was a long-lasting peaceful period in the relations between Marius and the Metelli. The peace was not broken by any hostile undertakings from either side (Marius, for example, did not oppose the return of Mettellus Numidicus from exile openly). That could have been a result of the weakening of both sides and a sober estimate of their own forces. It was only the civil war which broke out in 88 BC that changed the situation. But the plans of revenge (if Marius had ones) were impeded by Cinna’s position. Cinna had fought side by side with Metellus Pius during the Social War and seems to have been on good terms with him. Apparently, that was the reason why Cinna did not take any hostile steps against them.

Keywords: Marius, Cinna, Caecilii Metelli, politics in the Roman Republic, 88–82 BC civil war in Rome, factiones.
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