Characteristic Features of Egyptian Tomb Dedicatory Inscriptions of the Old Kingdom

Kokina Evgeniia A.

The article deals with some characteristic features of Egyptian dedicatory inscriptions from private tombs of the Old Kingdom. Two types of inscriptions can be distinguished: (I) dedications of a whole tomb or funerary objects (false-doors, offering-basins, statue, etc.) to a tomb owner by other persons (89 examples) and (II) dedications referring to the granting of funerary objects or burial place by a tomb owner to other persons in his tomb (27 examples). The analysis reveals that dedications should not be treated as common documents. Tomb dedications reflect exceptional rather than ordinary cases. Every new dedicatory inscription does not merely increase the number of standard texts, but can give significant information regarding tomb construction, social and legal features of the Egyptian society, family relations, etc. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that the aim of dedicatory inscriptions of the second type was to legitimate the right of possession of a person to whom the dedication was addressed.

Keywords: Ancient Egypt, Old Kingdom, tombs of the nobles, dedicatory inscriptions, false doors, legal documents.
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