On the Egyptian Pronoun dš with the Meaning «Own»

Demidchik Arkadiy E.

Since the end of the Old Kingdom, the Egyptian pronoun Ds «self′ was at times used with the meaning «own». Covering the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom, the article surveys the occurrences of Ds «own» designating: (1) a part belonging to the whole; (2) things, possessions being in one’s property; (3) a person’s being in someone’s direct submission, at someone’s disposal, etc. Usage 1 seems to have been always considered as quite appropriate. Usage 3, on the contrary, looked clumsy and was infrequent: as applied to social relations, the ancient term n(y)-Dt was more convenient. Of special interest is the discontinuance of usages 2 и 3 from Senwosret I’s reign through the end of the XII dynasty, which strikingly resembles the contemporaneous disappearance of the noun nDs «little man». The ideological restoration of the Old Kingdom under Senwosret I included the revival and instillation of the ancient Memphite scribal tradition. Therefore some of the words and word usages alien to the latter were to be avoided in writing.

Keywords: pronoun Ds, Egyptian language, First Intermediate Period, Middle Kingdom, Senwosret I.
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