Festival of the ‘Departure’ of Min in the Reliefs of New Kingdom Temples: Problems of Reading and Interpretation

Mironova Alexandra V.

Research into the scenes of the ‘Departure’ of Min festival in the reliefs of Medinet Abu temple (Ramses III’s times) has revealed a direct correlation between the development of the imagery and the «programme text» inscribed over all festival scenes. Thereby each event described in the text had its visual presentation. While creating the pictorial programme of the festival two compositional principles were used, the so-called «direct» and «reversed». The scenes of the first part of the festival (the pharaoh leaving the palace, sacrifi ce before the statue of Min, procession of priests carrying standards and statues of royal ancestors) are «read» from left to right, following the movement of the spectator. Then the «reading» is resumed from the end (the scene of pharaoh’s sacrifice before the statue of Min in his xtyw-sanctuary) and goes on towards the scene of the loosing of four birds. The rituals of the second half of Min festival are arranged as follows: sacrifi ce before the god’s statue, cutting of a sheaf of grain, loosing of four birds, coronation of the pharaoh. All these rituals took place in the area of xtyw-sanctuary of Min. The climbing of the sHnt-pole and the coronation of the pharaoh must have been held in the same place. Studies of the reliefs of the Karnak temple complex of Hatshepsut’s and Thutmose III’s times make it possible to conclude that the main festival rituals in Karnak were performed in the Feast Hall, before pylon IV of the Amon-Ra temple where was Amenhotep I Limestone Chapel, that one being an analogue of Min’s xtyw-sanctuary.

Keywords: Medinet Habu, Karnak, the Red Chapel, Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Ramses III, Min, Osiris, royal funerary cult.
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