«The Seven Men of Good Report» (Act. 6.1–7) and the Development of Early Christian Diaconate

Krasnobaeva Yu. S.

The «Seven» were an administrative office in the first Christian community based on the common use of property. The «Seven» were in charge of this common property and took care of the community members, particularly the ones in need. This makes them seem to have much in common with the diaconate, which appeared later in provincial communities. The role and hierarchical status of the «Seven» were discussed both in early Christian texts and in modern studies. Re-examining the data, the author of the paper comes to the conclusion that the immediate impact of the «Seven» on the development of early Christian diaconate was minimal, in spite of the strong opinion of many Christian writers that the «Seven» were the first deacons.

Keywords: early Christian Church, Acts of the Apostles, ministry of the «Seven».
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