Cleomenes of Naucratis in Pseudo-Aristoteles’ Oeconomica and the topoi of Ancient Egyptian Propaganda

Ladynin Ivan A.

The arcticle considers the evidence on Cleomenes of Naucratis, chief financial administrator and actual governor of Egypt under Alexander the Great (332–323 BC). Special attention is paid to the evidence of Pseudo-Aristoteles’ Oeconomica about Cleomenes’ getting bribes from Egyptians for his decisions not to hunt the sacred crocodiles (Oec. II. 33b), not to resettle to Alexandria residents of the region of the Canopic mouth (33c) and not to close a greater part of Egyptian temples (33f). This evidence seems to have been inspired by the standard topoi of Egyptian propaganda in the 4th century BC, which would normally be directed against foreign or impious rulers of the country of the highest, royal status. They ascribed to Cleomenes sacrilegious actions against the sacred animals, in a plausible parallel to the Classical tradition on the invasion of Artaxerxes III in Egypt and to the plot of «Seth’s return to he Egypt» in the mythological Book of Victory over Seth. They also ascribed to him the intention to menace to stop the temple ritual, the same as it had been told about Pharaoh Tachos considered as an impious ruler in the Egyptian tradition. Thus, these plots must have been intended to represent unfavourably not only Cleomenes, but also Alexander standing behind him, and were probably re-used by the satrap Ptolemy’s propaganda.

Keywords: Cleomenes of Naucratis, Alexander the Great, Ancient Egypt, Macedonian rule, royal ideology, attitude to foreigners, propaganda, ritual, temple, Seth, sacred animals.
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