Electrum Stater of a New Type from Cyzicus Found on the Taman Peninsula

Zakharov Evgeniy V.

The author publishes a stater of a new type with a ram’s head on it from Cyzicus. The coin was discovered on the Taman Peninsula. Stylistic analogy with silver coins of this centre makes it possible to date the Cyzicene to the late 6th – fi rst quarter of the 5th century BC. Another coin of the same type was offered for bid at an auction in Europe. Typological analogies drawn in the article show that the ram can often be seen on archaic and classical Greek coins, especially on early electrum issues. This raises a question about the sources of the tradition and its popularity in the 6th and 5th centuries BC.

Keywords: numismatics, coin typology, electrum coins, stylistic analysis, Cyzicus, Cysicenes, stater, archaeology, Taman peninsula, Patraeum, Garkusha I.
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