A Kushan City of Bactria (Some Results of the Soviet-Afghan Archaeological Expedition)

Munchaev Rauf M., Koshelenko Gennadiy A., Gaibov Vasif A.

The article presents an attempt to sum up the data obtained during the excavations conducted by the Soviet-Afghan archaeological expedition in several sites in Bactria (Yemshi-tepe, Jagat-tepe, Dilberjin). The authors try to modify the traditional model of the development of city in Central Asia. Acknowledging the urbanistic character of the Kushan civilization, they point out that no new cities seem to have been founded under Kushan rule. Under the Kushans the process of primary urbanization reached its peak, followed by quick decline.

Keywords: Kushans, Central Asia, Bactria, Greco-Bactria, Yemshi-tepe, Jagat-tepe, Dilberjin city, fortifi cation, temple.
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