Did Kamose Ever Get to Tell-el-Dab‘a?

Nemirovsky Alexandr A., Safronov Alexander V.

The paper presents an analysis of Kamose’s Second Stele and focuses on new arguments in favour of the following theses: (1) the «city» Apopi mentioned at the beginning of the stele as attacked is not Avaris, but Cynopolis; (2) Kamose did not move northwards beyond the limits of Middle Egypt; (3) the toponym of «Avaris» with the determinative «foreign country» on the Second Stele does not refer to the city of Avaris but to the Avaris Kingdom (the «Asiatics» of the First Stele); (4) the Hyksos messenger was sent by Kamose to Tpyḥ wt (Aphroditopolis) from the district of Cynopolis.

Keywords: Kamose Apepi Aauserra Avaris, Cynopolis, Tell el-Dabc a the Hyksos.
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