The Year 337: Crisis of Power in the Roman Empire and «Assassination of the Princes»

Grigoryuk Timofey V.

After the death of Constantine the Great in May 337, the empire fell into political crisis. The sources preserve fragmentary evidence that the army wanted to give power only to Constantine’s sons and that Dalmatius the Younger was killed, as well as Constantine’s other relations and some higher officials. The full picture of the crisis can hardly be restored, and scholars’ opinions vary as to its duration and meaning. Meanwhile, it is generally assumed that praefectus praetorio Flavius Ablabius was a victim of the crisis as well as other killed persons. A closer analysis of the sources, however, makes it possible to conclude that he played an active part in the liquidation of Constantine’s relatives. It is also probable that he himself was slain by Constance II after the late emperor’s family had been done away with.

Keywords: Constantine the Great, Constance II, Dalmatius the Younger, Flavius Ablabius, political crisis, conspiracy, murders of Constantine's relatives
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