Emily Grace (Emiliya L’vovna Kazakévich), American Classicist and Soviet Historian

Karpyuk Sergey G.

The article analyses life and works of Emily Grace (Kazakévich), an American scholar who lived and worked in the USSR in 1949–1985. Emily Grace studied the status of slaves and free persons with limited rights in Classical Greece. The complex historico-philological, legal and socio-economic analysis of the sources she used in her approach to the socio-economic problems, produced some brilliant results. Her “non-Soviet” Marxism could survive in the USSR , a fact which is characteristic both of her as a researcher and of the Soviet historical studies during “the Thaw” period. She exercised certain influence on the historians who were beginning their scholarly career in the 1950s and 1960s, who looked up to the informal authorities of the post-Stalinist epoch. She could realize her as a scholar at the Institute of History (Institute of World History since 1968) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and became a true member (though a specific one) of the Muscovite academic milieu.

Keywords: Grace Kazakévich Emily, Soviet historiography, antiquity, slavery, “cold war”, “the thaw”

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