King’s Daughter Nefrure: to the Interpretation of the Princess’ Status and Role

Bolshakov Vladimir A.

n the present article an unusual status of Princess Neferure, the daughter of the famous queen- pharaoh Hatshepsut, is analysed. A thorough study of iconographic and epigraphic evidence related to Neferure allows the author to conclude that the princess was deliberately promoted by her mother as a representative of her family line. In particular, the study of Neferure’s iconography and titles shows a unique position of the princess among the other royel children of the New Kingdom: on the one hand, the status of Neferure was similar or very close to the position of a potential heir to the throne; on the other hand, it was close to the king’s wife position. According to the author’s point of view, the common traits with Hatshepsut, whose historical example her daughter could follow, are seen in the unprecedented and non-standard Neferure’s position, represented in her mixed iconography with some kingly and queenly attributes.

Keywords: 18th dynasty, Neferure, Hatshepsut, Tutmoses III
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