The author publishes a new decree from Chersonesus in honour of Gaius, son of Antiochos, a citizen of an obscure polis of Stectorium (Phrygia) and south Pontic Amastris. Paleography and the type of preamble of the decree show that the monument can be dated most probably to the period from the last third of the 1st century BC through the mid-1st century AD. Of special interest is the mention of the Phrygian polis Stectorium, attested up till now only in three epigraphic sources. Chersonesus’ links with Amastris have been well attested in the 2nd century AD inscriptions, but there are some grounds to suppose that they had been active at least from the second half of the 1st century on. The author also proposes a new restoration of a Chersonesian decree published earlier (SEG 32, 786).